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  • Professional Services
  • Educatonal Services
  • Medical Offices
  • Medical Support Services
    and your business, too!

Bringing Fortune 500 Financial Strategies and Resources to Mid-Sized and Emerging Businesses

From the heart of the Silicon Prairie, Advocate offers the professional, administrative and tax services you expect from a CPA, bringing you the expertise of a Fortune 500 CFO, the benefit of clear, relevant financial data, and the economies of a shared resource center. Spare yourself the burdensome details of daily operations, so you and your staff can focus on the real work of the business: As your financial advocate, we guide your strategic business planning towards safe, sound, and rapid growth – and help move you to the next level faster than you may have thought possible.
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Financial Headlines

business valuatons

Buying or selling, get
objective analysis of what
your business is worth

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Quickbooks Training

As QuickBooks PRO
Advisors, we offer
beginner & advanced
training in using this
popular program

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Tax returns & filings

Whether for
individual, trust
or estate filings

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Q: We’re a new business, and we don’t have the cash flow yet to hire a full-time book-keeper, nor the workload to keep anyone busy full time – but if I, as the owner, do that record-keeping, bill-paying, etc., I get stuck at a desk when I should be out on the street developing new customers. Your advice?

A: This one is easy. When you outsource routine activities, you get the benefits of shared resources. You only pay for the time you use, and the work gets done at the most economical level.

Q: As a start-up, how do I know what kind of company structure is best?

A: The choice between operating as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation, (or LLC, or sub S) is a critical one, and you want to make sure you’re doing it right. Rely for guidance on experts who know all about business structure. Advocate can help you determine what structural form your business should take, and can then handle the paperwork to get it done right.